I have joined the Pakistan Institute of Medical and Management Sciences (PIMMS) at an exciting and indeed challenging time. The institute finds itself at the crossroads of its embryonic development and as a driver of societal change. Leading an institute is an intellectually rewarding venture, but it is far from easy. It requires a certain equipoise between efficient management and the recognition and enhancement of intellectual freedom and creativity. PIMMS was brought into existence with the very idea that it will assume stewardship for health, education, and research in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank prospective students for their interest in PIMMS and assure them that PIMMS is an ideal place for learning to play a role in the healthcare system. You should read the vision and mission statements of PIMMS, HEC, and the vision outlined in the national health policy. Details about the program are available on the PIMMS website.
Dr. Muhammad Asghar
Principal, PIMMS